Monday 29 October 2012

zip. folder for Assignment 2

Just a zip. folder containing the pre and post-production renders, interactive and print versions of the the posters and a higher quality version of the final video.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Assignment 2 _Final Submission_Video Recording

This is the video recording I took in Cryengine.
Premier Pro was used to put the whole thing together and add bgm.

Assignment 2_Final Submission_Posters+200 word brief

3 x A1 Interactive PDF Posters (print version)

The 200 word brief is included on page 2

Assignment 2_Final Submission_Renders

Raw Renders and Post Production Renders:

Saturday 13 October 2012


These are montages showing what kind of environment and textures my design will incorporate. The overall look I aim to achieve on the interior is based off the chicago airport terminal. The design will be placed in a relatively flat landscape similar to Hyde Park in Sydney. The majority of the structure will sit underground while occasionally rising above the ground.

The textures I'm using are rather plain and consist mostly of white concrete and plaster. This is because I am hoping to place time-based/proximity trigger coloured lights throughout the structure and so there won't be an overload of colour.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Draft Model + Sketch

This is a draft model and sketch based on my concepts and the buildings I chose. The idea is that the basic outer shape is a cube, but the interior will be in the shape of 'I'.

This was done in sketchup however I will be using 3DS Max for the final submission.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Precedent Study and Design Proposal

1) A Brief outline of Project 1
     My chosen architecture for Project 1 was Zaha Hadid's Capital Hill Residence. The concepts that I derived from this building were 'symmetry' and 'illusion'. The idea was that simple and symmetrical shapes are repeated, stacked and joined together to create an architecture that portrayed the illusion of symmetry, thereby deceiving the human eyes.

2) A Visual Analysis of 2x Precedent Studies as a Pair
    Earlier, I did a brief comparison with commentary. The image below is a visual comparison between all three of my selected buildings. That is, the Capital Hill Residence and my two precedent buildings, Zaha Hadid's Sunrise Tower and SANAA's Zollverein School of Management and Design.

From these two precedent buildings, I derived the same concepts of symmetry and illusion both represented differently and distinctly between the two buildings.

3) A Design Proposal and Design Draft for Assignment
     Because all my chosen buildings have different functions, I decided to try making something more unusual to suit my chosen concepts.
  • A public display space (e.g. an art gallery, a museum, a showroom etc.)
  • A monument
  • A sporting/recreation centre
  • An underground walkway
I want to try creating an illusionary piece of architecture that tricks the eyes of those moving through it and those seeing it from the outside. With the suggestion from my tutor that I create an architecture that creates a feeling of enclosure and being trapped, I decided to go with creating a public display space (which type it will be is still undecided).

With this public space, I want to try expand and constrict spaces with the use of illusions as well as question the boundaries between the walls, floors and ceilings.

4) A Short Description on your Prescribed Additional Representation
    The main technology that I will be using in this assignment is Cryengine 3. Because my architecture will require the person to move through it to see the illusions, the use of an interactive game environment will suit my purpose. This will allow the user to move through the architecture at their own pace and create their own path through the gallery space which means it will be possible to miss some of the illusions (making a challenge to try and find them all).
   I also plan to have some interactive elements like lights that activate when a person comes into proximity of the light.
    3DS Max will be used for the majority of the modelling..


Thursday 13 September 2012

Project 2_Precedent Study (Version 2)

This is a side-by-side comparison (with comments) of my two chosen precedent buildings (The Sunrise Tower by Zaha Hadid and the Zollverein School of Design by SANAA)

Project 2_Precedent Study

For my two selected buildings, I wanted to maintain a focus on the ideas of Illusion and Symmetry. I chose buildings with seemingly simple and symmetrical facades but with asymmetrical details creating the illusion of symmetry.

Sunrise Tower by Zaha Hadid (2nd building from nominated architect)

The Floor Plans of the Sunrise Tower. The overall shape is symmetrical however the more intricate details are asymmetrical.

Zollverein School of Design by SANAA

East Elevation

North Elevation
North and East Elevation Comparison

Thursday 23 August 2012

Assignment 2 - 200 words about the model

For this assignment, rather than try to refine my previous digital model I decided to start from scratch. I also did this so that I could incorporate a new concept I discovered while further analysing the Capital Hill Residence by Zaha Hadid.

My digital model follows the concepts of symmetry, illusion and the repeated use of a single shape (through vertical and horizontal stacking). The base shape was eventually changed to interlock with itself so the stacking would be easier to achieve.

I tried to maintain at least 3 axis of symmetry. When viewed from the top/left/back angles, the digital model is symmetrical, however when viewed as an axonometric the façade of the model changes immensely.
I tried to mirror Zaha Hadid’s Capital Hill Residence concepts and ideas whilst keeping my own original form.

The idea of using augmented reality struck me as quite interesting as it creates a new medium for people to see the world.

Assignment 2 - Physical Paper Model

This is the physical model that I made to work with buildAR. It is made of four separate components, two are stuck together and two are separate.

Assignment 2 - Composition Poster

These are the compositions relating to my two concepts of symmetry and illusion.



Assignment 2 - Final Digital Model

This is the final digital model I created for this assignment

Assignment 2 - Mediafire Folder

This is the folder containing all required components of assignment 2

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Storyboard for Augmented Reality

This is the rough storyboard I created for my AR showing how I plan to display both the physical model and the digital model.

Parts in red are relevant to the digital model, green text is related to the physical model

Revised Paper Model - Practice

After changing the base shape of my model, I created another paper model based on that shape. I made two so that they could be placed together like in my digital model. (This is a practice one made of standard printing paper so I could figure out how the folds would work)

Draft Paper Models

Because I was using one base shape to create a new form, I decided to use the base shape for my paper model.

Based on the first digital draft, these were the paper models I created.

Draft 1, pulled apart

Draft 1, separate parts intersected

Draft 2

Draft 3

Refining the Digital Model - 2nd Draft

This is the revision of my base shape. It was modified so that it intersected with itself depending on how it was arranged. It still maintains some of the symmetrical elements when viewed from particular angles.

Using the concepts derived from the Capital Hill Residence, I plan to stack this model upon itself (using the points that lock in with each other) to create a symmetry form.

Left/Right View

Front/Back View

Perspective View

Perspective View (Wireframe)

Refining the Digital Model - 1st Draft

Because my last digital model was a failed attempt, I decided to start from scratch with a brand new model. Looking at more concepts of Zaha Hadid's Capital Hill Residence, another concept I noticed was the use of repeated shapes.

For the most part, the Capital Hill Residence appears to use a single symmetrical shape that has been stacked vertically and horizontally to create illusional symmetry.

With this in mind, I created a base shape that appears simple and symmetrical from certain angles with the details visible in a perspective view.

This is the first base shape I created:

Perspective View

Top View

Front/Back View

Perspective View 2